Fire Investigation Services

is an Ohio-based private investigation firm that provides a complete, thorough, and accurate investigation into the origin, cause, and responsibility of fire and explosion incidents for the insurance industry. With direct access to Interstate 70, Interstate 75, and US Route 35, it is easy for Fire Investigation Services to reach any Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, or West Virginia destination in a timely manner.


Investigation Expertise

The investigations we complete include:

Residential Fires
Commercial Fires

Motor Vehicle Fires

  • A timely and thorough scene examination, which includes the documentation of the scene through photographs, notes, diagrams, and evidence collection. Matterport® 3-D Imaging services enhance the complete documentation of the scene.

  • Fire scene reconstruction accomplished through debris removal and the placement of contents in their pre-fire positions.

  • Interviews of the insured, owners, occupants, witnesses, neighbors, and others with relevant information regarding the origin, cause, or responsibility for the fire or explosion incident.

  • Evidence documentation, collection, preservation, and storage as required. Space is available for further evidence examination and documentation.

  • Case preparation, including coordination with adjusters, attorneys, and other experts, and expert testimony in the field of fire origin and cause determination.

  • Contact and coordination with state and local investigators that are involved with the case, including the acquisition of incident and investigation reports and/or photographs.

  • Oral reports to the adjuster immediately following the scene examination. Oral and/or written reports designed to meet the needs of the client and provided in a timely fashion.

  • Research of NFPA 921, other fire investigation publications, applicable codes and standards, and checks for recalls, owner’s manuals, installation instructions, MSDS sheets, and other relevant documentation as needed.

  • Coordination with other experts, including laboratory personnel, engineers, attorneys, and opposing experts.